I’ve really enjoyed learning in to being an Instagram expert through InstaMistick. Looking back to a couple of years ago at my launch party I was so excited to narrow down my niche from general social media consulting to specializing exclusively on Instagram. Now I’m narrowing down again so that I can grow my business.
That means, InstaMistick is becoming Wear Wag Repeat Labs!
So exciting, right?!
But, what does this mean? I’ll continue to offer courses on Instagram growth, but it will all be geared towards pet lovers and people in the pet industry. Wear Wag Repeat Labs will be a place where we can conduct experiments, investigate ideas and observe trends in the industry. It’s also a play on words for my love of Labradors!
If you’re not familiar with the Wear Wag Repeat brand, it’s an online community I’ve built for dog moms that includes a blog, podcast and online store (plus all the social media that goes along with it!).
How did I come to this decision? I found that most of my students and the majority of people in my private Facebook group have pet-themed Instagram accounts. Since I can’t be everything to everyone, I’m going to focus on giving the very best advice I have for the pet niche.
Under Wear Wag Repeat Labs I’ll also be able to offer other courses such as Pet Blogging for Business. For the past year I’ve been an adjust instructor at a local college teaching The Business of Blogging and it’s been so rewarding! Through the Labs I’ll also be able to host discussions about building your own pet industry business.
I’m really excited about this transition, and I hope you are too! Have questions, thoughts or dog boss advice? Drop me a line tori [at] wearwagrepeat [dot] com.
You can learn more about online courses, my membership community and 1-on-1 coaching by clicking here!